Library Policies
Selection Policy
After collecting input and recommendations from various sources, the professional library media specialist will be responsible for identifying, ordering, and organizing materials. When purchasing materials, consideration will be given to existing collections in order to prevent unnecessary duplication. Gift to the library shall meet the same selection standards as other instructional media. The following criteria shall be used when selecting instructional media.
Instructional media shall be:
Consistent with the educational goals of the district.
Chosen to enrich and support the curriculum.
Selected with consideration of: presentation, physical format, educational significance, readability, authenticity, artistic quality and/or literary style, factual content, and objectivity.
Appropriate for the age, emotional development, varied interests, and abilities of students.
Maintained to provide a balanced collection representative of various viewpoints, including controversial issues.
Provide materials representative of the contributions to our American heritage from the many religious, ethnic and cultural groups.
Evaluated in the entirety, taking into account the purpose of the material rather than isolated expressions or incidents.
Use existing selection criteria for the selection of all kinds of materials such as films, videos, discs, tapes, computer software, books.
Gift Acceptance Policy
The Southern Boone County District welcomes gifts of books and other materials provided they meet the same standards of selection as those applied to original purchases, and provided they can be integrated into the general library collection and do not need special housing
Gifts of money will be used for the purchase of educational materials and the library media specialist will select the specific items.
Gifts are irrevocable; those added to or deleted from the collection may be disposed of, as the library media specialist deems appropriate.
The library media center personnel may accept commercially sponsored materials provided that they meet the same standards of selection as those applied to original purchases.
Replacement Policy
Lost Materials:
Library and media materials are considered lost if they are not returned by the end of the school year. Faculty are not charged for lost materials since their use is usually confined to the classroom. If a student’s materials are considered lost, the following guidelines are used to calculate replacement cost.
Hardcover books- The original retail price will be charged. If the original price is unknown, the cost will be determined by the age of the book and the replacement cost of a similar copy. An average cost of $7-15 will be charged. There is a $2.00 charge for the replacement of barcodes.
Magazines- A charge of $5.00 or the cost of the magazine, if known, plus $2.00 for replacement of the barcode and envelope will be assessed.
Paperbacks- The original cost will be charged plus $2.00 for the processing and barcode. If the cost is unknown, a standard fee of $5.00 plus $2.00 fee will be charged.
Damaged Materials:
The damaged materials must be brought to the library before an assessment can be made. If the material is slightly damaged but useable, the student will be warned and may be charged a reasonable fee. If the material is damaged beyond repair, the student must pay according to the guidelines established for lost materials
Confidentiality Policy
The Southern Boone County School District recognizes the need for the protection of the confidentiality of school library records as defined in the Missouri Confidentiality Law, HB1372 and the ALA Policy 52.4, 54.16. These guidelines are reproduced as follows:
The members of the American Library Association,* recognizing the right to privacy of library users, believe that records held in libraries which connect specific individuals with specific resources, programs or services, are confidential and not to be used for purposes other than routine record keeping: i.e., to maintain access to resources, to assure that resources are available to users who need them, to arrange facilities, to provide resources for the comfort and safety of patrons, or to accomplish the purposes of the program or service. The library community recognizes that children and youth have the same rights to privacy as adults.
Libraries whose record keeping systems reveal the names of users would be in violation the confidentiality of library record laws adopted in many states. School library media specialists are advised to see the advice of counsel if in doubt about whether their record keeping systems violate the specific laws in the states. Efforts must be made within the reasonable constraints of budgets and school management procedures to eliminate such records as soon as reasonably possible.
With or without specific legislation, school library media specialists are urged to respect the rights of children and youth by adhering to the tenets expressed in the Confidentiality of Library Records Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights and the ALA Code of Ethics.
*ALA Policy 52.4, 54.16 / Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association.
Copyright Policy
Southern Boone County R-1 School District recognized the need for protection of copyright as defined by Title 17, United States Code: The Copy right Law
Consistent with the code, no person (administrator, faculty, student, support staff, or volunteer) will knowingly or unknowingly violate the copyright of any copyrighted materials for any reason.
The following guidelines will assist the media specialist in adhering to the copyright laws.
Definition: Copyright is a limited monopoly granted by federal law. It is the exclusive right that protects an author, composer, or programmer, from having his or her work duplicated except by permission.
Purpose: The purpose of copyright is to encourage the development of new and original works and to stimulate their wide distribution by assuring that their creators will be fairly compensated for their contributions to society.
Length and Ownership: Copyright lasts for the life of the author plus fifty years.
Works subject to copyright include:
computer programs
dramatic works including the accompanying music
literary works
motion pictures and other audiovisual works
musical works including words
pantomimes and choreographic works
sound recordings
Doctrine of Fair Use
“Fair use” is the legal right to copy a limited amount of material under certain conditions without harm to the owner. Such copying is allowable without obtaining permission. The four criteria of fair use are
The purpose and character of the use. (Copying for profit or commercial purposes is not allowed).
The nature of the copyrighted work. (Consumable items may not be copied. Reproduction of musical compositions, dramas, audiovisual works is not authorized.)
The amount and substantiality of the portion copied. (Unreasonable amounts or excessive quantities are not allowed).
The effect on the potential market and on the value or the work. (Copying to avoid purchase is not allowed.)
Guidelines and Restrictions for Use of Copyrighted Materials
The following Guidelines and Restrictions for Use of Copyrighted Materials are provided to assist the medial specialist in adhering to the copyright law.
First Sale Doctrine:
“The first sale doctrine allows the resale or loan of a copy of a copyright work after it is first sold, without payment of an additional fee to the copyright holder. This doctrine is at the heart of such library activities as circulation. Once a copy is lawfully acquired, the new owner is entitled, without the copyright owner’s permission to sell, rent, lease, give away, or otherwise dispose of that particular material copy. The doctrine that facts and ideas cannot be copyrighted and the doctrine of fair use allow the use of portions of copyrighted material without first securing permission of the copyright owner or paying a licensing fee.”
Technology And Internet Access
Terms And Conditions
Acceptable Use:
The purpose of the SOBOCO- Technology and Internet Access is to support research and education in and among academic instruction by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of your account must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Southern Boone County School District. Use of other organization’s network or computing resources are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. Use for commercial activities by for-profit institutions is generally not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. Illegal activities are strictly prohibited.
The use of SOBOCO-Technology and Internet Access is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. Base upon the acceptable use guidelines outlined in this document, the system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. Also, the system administrators may close an account at any time as required. The administration, faculty, and staff of SOBOCO may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific user accounts.
You are to abide by the generally accepted rules of Internet etiquette. These include, but are not limited, to the following:
Be polite. Do not write or send abusive messages to others.
Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.
Do not reveal your personal address or phone numbers or any other inappropriate language.
Electronic mail is NOT guaranteed to be private. People who operate do have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
Do not use the Internet is such a way that you would disrupt the use of the Internet by others (downloading huge files during primetime: sending mass email messages: annoying other users by the talk or write functions).
Do not download materials or files which would inhibit the use of the network by students, faculty, or staff.
SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied for the service it is providing. SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access will not be responsible for any damages you suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by it’s own negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via SOBOCO Technology And Internet is at your own risk. SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access, you must notify a system administrator. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Do not use another individual’s account. Attempts to login to the system as any other user will result in cancellations of users privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied assess to SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access.
Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, to destroy data of another user, SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access, any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are connected to MORENET. This includes, but is not limited to, uploading or creation of computer viruses.
Do not alter the software/hardware content of the computers or any other technology. This includes files, downloading programs, and copying commercial programs. Do not tamper with security software.
Vandalism of any kind is not acceptable.
Updating user information:
SOBOCO-Technology And Internet Access may occasionally require registration and account information.
Exception of Terms And Conditions:
All Terms And Conditions as stated in this document are applicable to the Southern Boone County School District and MORENET. These Terms And Conditions reflect the entire agreement of the parties and supercedes all prior oral or written agreements and understandings of the parties.