Monday, January 27th, 2025
Manga Monday meets today after school in the library.
Chess club meets today after school with Ms. Kervian.
If you are planning to bring an outside guest to the Courtwarming dance, you will need to have an Outside Guest dance form completed and returned to the office by the end of day Thursday January 30. The Guest dance forms are available in the office.
It's Courtwarming Week! Here is the information you need to know:
Monday: Monochrome Monday
Tuesday: Teacher Tuesday--dress like a teacher and staff members dress like your students
Wednesday: Anything but a backpack
Thursday: PJ Day
Friday: Courtwarming Spirit Day!
Grade levels are competing in a fundraising competition. Each grade level has their own GoFundMe to raise money and this year freshmen and juniors are raising money for Amyah Hill and sophomores and seniors are raising money for Brooklyn Smith. We encourage everyone to share your grade level fundraiser with friends and family and on social media so we can help Amyah and Brooklyn as much as possible! You can find all four links on the high school social media and on the high school website under Live Feed!
Do you want a cool summer job? What about a pool summer job? The Ashland pool is now looking for applicants to be lifeguards! If you're interested, swing by the office and grab an application. Applications are due by February 28th!